All tagged pierce brown

12 Fantasy/SciFi Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2017

Since I forgot to write a Best Of list for 2016, I decided to put together a list of all the books I'm super excited about this year. Most of them are sequels to books I've read previously (I'm sure I will find some lovely new authors and books to sweep me off my feet at some point), but these are the books currently at the shut-up-and-take-my-money level of excitement.

Book Review: Golden Son

I have this theory I call "middle book syndrome," which basically states that the middle novel of a trilogy is inherently in danger of becoming nothing more than a set-up for the third book - that it will lack a proper plot of its own and become a dragging plod from start to finish. It's the mark of a good author to avoid this, but I'm always leery when I pick up the second book of a series.