All tagged brandon sanderson

Book Review: Mistborn (The Final Empire)

I was told by several people that if I wanted to start reading Sanderson, I should start with the Mistborn series. If you're a regular reader, you'll know I didn't listen. The Way of Kings just appealed to my epic fantasy loving self more than the thief-with-heart-of-gold vibe I got from reading Mistborn jacket copy. But now that I'm finally caught up with Stormlight Archive, I needed a new Sanderson fix.

Book Review: Words of Radiance

I've been putting Words of Radiance off because I wanted to get closer to the release of Oathbringer, the third Stormlight Archive book which released in November. Also it's huge and rather intimidating. But I finally read it in October and discovered that I enjoyed it much more than The Way of Kings.

Book Review: The Way of Kings

Before we begin, I have a disclaimer: this is the first Brandon Sanderson book I've read.* Yeah, I'm aware he's big in fantasy, and I'm also aware that most Sanderson fans recommend that newcomers read Mistborn first. I laugh in the face of convention, etc.