All in Book Reviews

Book Review: Twelve Kings in Sharakhai

Believe it or not, I almost walked past this one. While I do keep up with my favorite authors and read recommendations, I find a lot of new books/authors simply by skimming the SF/F section at my local Barnes & Noble. They had Twelve Kings in Sharakhai, but the title didn't grab me. I bought other books, I left. This happened two or three times before I finally picked up the book, read the blurb and decided to give it a whirl.

Book Review: Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis

Many years ago, Anne Rice was my introduction to vampires. I don't read extensively in the genre (since I'm not huge on romance), but Rice's vampires were always these tragic, heart-rendingly beautiful figures that I couldn't help but fall in love with. (For the record, Marius is my favorite.) I've read several, though not all, of her Vampire Chronicles over the years, and I was pleased with the recent Prince Lestat, enjoying the dive into vampire history. 

Book Review: Goldenhand

Before we begin, some context: I picked up Lirael at a book fair in seventh grade because I liked the cover and the description on the back. That book resonated with me in a way no other book had up until that point, except possibly Harry Potter. Lirael was like me, someone who found solace in books, someone who felt like she didn't quite fit in with others. Since then, I've found myself re-reading the Old Kingdom trilogy almost once a year, and each return to the Old Kingdom feels like going home.

Book Review: The Obelisk Gate

Here is yet another middle book in a series that strongly surpasses the first book. The Obelisk Gate is a stunner, containing several shocking developments, many exciting displays of orogeny and more than its fair share of character drama, making for a book that should top Best Of lists for 2016.

Book Review: The Fifth Season

I don't always read Hugo award winners, but when I do...I usually really like them. I keep an eye on the Hugos every year. Drama notwithstanding, I tend to pick up one or two of the nominees afterward. This year, after NK Jemisin won for The Fifth Season, I picked it up in my local Barnes & Noble, read the back, bought it on the spot, skipped it to the front of the reading queue and then tore through it in two days.

Book Review: Navigators of Dune

I know, I know. Don't judge me. Dune books are like drugs for me. I'm so in love with the world that I can't stop reading them, and while the original Dune is clearly the best by an astronomical margin, I enjoy revisiting the world as Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson craft new stories in it. 

Book Review: Nevernight

Jay Kristoff - yet another author I wasn't keeping close enough tabs on. I read his The Lotus War series two years ago (fortunately I discovered it just as Endsinger came out and was able to go straight through all three). After that, I neglected to add him to my list and thus, when I stumbled across Nevernight, the first book in a new series by him, I was pleasantly startled and immediately purchased it. Man, am I glad I did.

Book Review: The Invasion of the Tearling

Dilemma, thy name is, apparently, The Invasion of the Tearling. On the one hand, this book is a much darker story, giving me meat to dig into after the sugary sweetness of the first novel. On the other hand, holy middle book syndrome, Batman! The plot is a drag as the author crams in all the preparation for the third book, leaving this book with very little plot of its own.

Book Review: The Queen of the Tearling

I don't read much Young Adult these days. It's not because I don't enjoy them; I buy all my books, and it simply takes far too little time for me to read a YA book. It's not a good investment of my money. But when a friend loaned me these and said I'd really like them, I decided to give them a shot.

Book Review: Mechanical Failure

OK, so here's the deal with this book, guys. The first chapter tries too hard. Like, way too hard. It feels like that person at a party who makes really terrible jokes and then laughs far too much at them, while the rest of the room makes cricket noises. It's painfully awkward.Get through it.

Book Review: The Great Ordeal

FINALLY. FINALLY THIS BOOK HAS ARRIVED.For those of you who aren't rabid Bakker fans like myself, it's been five years since the previous book was released - an almost Martin-esque wait between novels. From what I gather, it had little to do with Bakker himself, as the manuscript has been written for some time. The decision was eventually made to split the third book of this second of three trilogies into two, and thus The Great Ordeal finally made it to print.

Book Review: Ex-Isle

I've been a fan of Peter Clines ever since he first blew my mind by putting superheroes and zombies in the same book. His books are witty, funny and good romps that I can tear through without having to invest too much time and energy. His latest addition to the Ex-Heroes series, Ex-Isle, delivers more of the same fun.